Sunday, July 19, 2009

Getting my oats....

I don't know if I have a genuine wheat intolerance since I've never been tested for it but I do know that when I limit wheat products, my word, I feel SO much better! ;o) It has to be said that I do love bread but in the interests of feeling healthier I am trying to keep it at a maneageble level and there's lots of groovy new things to try, oh I love trying new foods and different recipes! ;o) However I'm digressing a little as I'm here to share an oaty post or two on a blog I lurk about on from time to time. Those of you in Scottish climes will have heard of Skirlie, a savory oat dish. I hadn't heard of it but found this post about it on Mostly Eating. I really like the look of it and will be having a go at it this week I think. Also, check out this post on there too, lots of oaty ideas! ;o) Particularly like the look of these fruit, nut and Tahini bars! I have trouble with breakfast ideas at times and I think these would hit the spot perfectly. ;o)

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Oops, I did it again!

Been slack in posting here I mean! ;oD So, let's see where I'm at....ok, so I've done a U-turn or three since I started this blog, one of which is that I've been persuaded into weekly weigh ins! The numbers are still just that but I have to admit it is a useful tool. ;o) If I start to spot any signs of obsession then I will stretch my weigh ins to fortnightly but for the time being all's well in this department. I've now lost 19lbs and am feeling increasingly energetic and healthy. ;o) One of my other U-turns is to use a food diary, my word it's years since I did this! I have found this an even more useful tool than weighing in. I'm not counting calories, points, sins, units, or anything else, my basic premise is "eat less, do more", so keeping a record of what I'm eating has been an interesting experience. This week, looking back over the last seven weeks, which is when I started keeping a record of my quaffing, I've realised that I'm eating quite a limited variety of foods which maybe good from the point of view of that recent TV programme, 10 Things You Need to Know About Losing Weight, but I am heading towards a jaded palette and my tastebuds need a bit of a tickle I think! For lunch today I knocked up some roasted veg - butternut squash, onions, carrots and beetroot roasted in a little oil with smoked paprika and herbs. Yum yum! ;o) Smoked paprika is my spice of the moment, I adore it!