Thursday, May 28, 2009

Bonjour normality!

Ok, long gap between posts, reason being a manic few weeks including a jaunt to France from last Friday until yesterday. Zut alors, they know how to eat in la belle France! They'd never manage the Atkins Diet given their penchant for bread!! I love the relaxed pace of meals when I'm over there but I have to confess to eating rather more cheese, pastry and bread than is good for me! As it was a twinning visit I was staying in the home of a perfect stranger and as always, being a very well mannered girl, I felt obliged to eat whatever was put on the table! So, plenty of excuses for what has gone before but now it's back to reality!

Before I went away I had mentioned goals/targets but had employed my considerable powers of distraction to avoid blogging about the issue! I hadn't planned to talk about it now but it's as good a time as any so I thought I might as well plunge in with some possibly vague goal talk!

Ok, so weight wise....bit of a dodgy area goal wise this one! For me, the numbers on the scale are just that - numbers on the scale! Ok, it's a useful way to track progress but I am of the ilk that becomes obsessive when subjected to weekly weigh ins (I have a friend who weighs herself every bloody morning despite me practically begging her not to subject herself to it but that's a whole different post!) and to be honest I'm not really concerned about what the dial whizzes round to, I'm more concerned about how I feel and how I look. That said, my plan was to weigh on a monthly basis and my next date with the wicked weighing device was to be monday but I may well hop on tomorrow morning to assess the French damage and know where I'm now batting from! So, boringly, there is no weight loss goal for me to ticker tape my way to!

So, what goals do I have?

Well, firstly I want to get my BMI down to 30 as a starter. 40.8 is not a good place for it, or me, to be. In fact I think technically it makes me morbidly obese, oh joy! I haven't got much clue as to how swiftly I can achieve a BMI of 30 but I'm think it won't happen in the next week or three! So, in the absence of any scientific information, I'm plumping for getting there by Christmas. If I discover that's seriously unrealistic I'll rethink!

My second goal revolves around dress size. Currently a size 22/24 my long term goal is to be a size 16/18. My shorter term goal on this front is to be a size 20 by September. Possibly a tad over ambitious but that's what I'm shooting for currently. exercise goal! Now, as Julia Roberts would say, this is a slippery little sucker! Given my Achilles tendon issues this is the one goal I have to be very careful about. Obviously I do not want to run the risk of re-tearing my tendon but, on the other hand, I'm determined to get back to regular exercise. The one thing I can do is walk! And, let it be said, I've just about knocked the limp on the head, yippeeeee! So my current walking goal is to walk for a minimum of 20 minutes a day. I can also cycle so with the prospect of some more summery weather afoot I shall be working some pedal time into my schedule. Other than that I also want to work on some toning/strenghtening routines and look into Pilates.

And, forthly, food goals! I know from past experience that I feel really well when I restrict my dairy intake and, more so, my bread intake so I shall be working on those. I can be a sucker for processed junk at times and this raised it's ugly head whilst I was in plaster and subsequently in a surgical boot as my husband and daughter just bought "bung it in the oven" crap as I wasn't cooking! It's kind of hung on a bit so that's one to knock on the head ASAP. I can also be a bit of a Diet Coke fiend at times although not nearly as bad as I have been in days gone by. It gives me wind bloats me and is chemical rubbish I don't need. Other than that it's the usual - eat more fruit/veg and drink more water.

It's too late (or do I mean early??) to elucidate anymore so I'm away to my bed! A bientot!

1 comment:

  1. Great goals!

    I am befuddled by the BMI one - I have to be so thin to be in the normal range - I don't understand it.

    Oh, and I shall be weighing in because I made a secret pact to donate £1 for every 1lb to Make Poverty History to assuage my guilt that our biggest problem in life is overweight while some people in this world are starving TO DEATH (sorry I didn't mean to shout, but it is a big thing to me)!

    Oh, and well done on knocking that limp on the head! Woo-hoo!
