Saturday, May 30, 2009

Salad Dressing (Up)

I'm a big fan of salad (yes really!) but I can't bear salad that just consists of just lettuce, cucumber and tomato! Salad should be interesting, make some tastebuds pop a bit, be more than limp greenery! My basic salad component recommendations would be lettuce (and not just the limpo green variety!) , alternative leaves (I have been known to ferret about in the garden!), rocket, spinach, radish, cucumber, tomato (if you can bear them raw, unlike me!), onion, spring onion, cress, sprouted seeds (particular favourites are alfalfa and fenugreek), apple, carrot, grapes (my husband loathes fruit in his salad but personally I love it!), raw peas, mange tout, sweetcorn, beetroot (of the unpickled variety, I like pickled beetroot but really like it without as well), ummm, I'm sure there's more but that'll do to be going on with! I also like to have a wee topper for my salad, just a sprinkle (tablespoon max) of something deemed illicit (by those pesky diet touting folk!) perks up a salad no end in my opinion! ;o) I'd go with pine nuts, raw nuts (walnuts, brazils, cashews, peanuts etc), Bacos (love these but a tad chemical!), fried crispy onion, croutons (home made though not those nasty processed jobbies), a smidgeon of grated cheese, sesame seeds, that's just a few but you're getting my point that salad should not be allowed to bore our palates to death in the name of healthiness!!


  1. Yep - those are just the sort of salads I love. I adore adding peppers (there are so many and they are delicious and colourful, sweet or hot), grated fennel, chopped up okra, grated brussel sprouts (yep, yummy), pumkin seeds, beans,raw garlic, pickled gherkins, lentils, chick peas, avocado, edible flower heads, radish, grated kholrabi (sp?), diced potato. I bet there is tons more and the only thing I don't like is bleddy celery - ugh!

    Salads are the best: filling, tasty and so healthy!

  2. Ah I wish I liked peppers! I've tried but nope, can't be doing with them! I can eat little bits in other things but big raw bits in my salad? Ick! I don't mind a tad of celery but all that chewing bores me to death! LOL Great ideas, thanks! ;o)
