Sunday, May 10, 2009

Where I'm at....

Ok, here we go with a few stats to illustrate where I'm at in the health arena....

Weight - 19st 10lb (276lbs or 125kg)

BMI - 40.8

Measurements - Bust 51" Waist 49" Hips 50"

Dress size - 22/24

I'm 5' 9" tall and I have a big frame.

For those of you who are offended by naked flesh or fat or both LOOK AWAY NOW as there's a photo featuring alot of both about to appear!

This photo was taken a wee while ago, before I tore my tendon, and I probably weighed less then but not by much and I wanted a shot that made no bones about what I'm dealing with. Now, wanna hear something interesting? I actually like this pic of me! Shock horror, a fat woman claiming she likes herself, whatever next?? LOL This pic is one from a shoot I did for pics for a self portrait as part of a body image project I'm working on this year. I've struggled with my body image for donkey's years and only began to grasp loving and accepting myself in the last year or so. This photo shoot was the single most empowering thing I have ever done for myself. I firmly believe that the only basis to work from if you want to change things about yourself is to love and accept yourself first, yes first! I've spent years loathing my body, hating myself for what I am, and batting from that position does not work. I know now that I have the power to change, to get healthier, because I love myself enough to finally give myself what I need. So, who's shocked that I can accept myself looking this way??

It's getting late so I'll post about my aims tomorrow.


  1. I love it!! Go Girl Go.

    You are a fanstastic, honest, brave woman.



  2. Aww, you know that means alot to me. ;o) And the same applies to you, of course! Let's go together! ;o) x

  3. Funnily enough, I DO understand! I have quite liked my big boobies and belly for a long time and, to be honest, am not liking my body as much (to look at) as I have begun to lose weight. The fat plumped it up more and now the skin feels a tad too squidgy and not as firm. What I do like now is finding out what my body can achieve and that is way more important than looks.

    You look absolutely gorgeous (love your bewbies!) and will be totally fabulous no matter what you weigh. But being able to enjoy life and our bodies to the full means losing a bit of body mass and that is a sacrifice worth making!

    Go girl, I am behind you (so don't fart)!

  4. LOL I'm a lady, I never fart! ;oD Believe that and you'll believe anything!

    Thanks for your positive comments! ;o) x
