Monday, May 11, 2009

Up a bit, left a!

Ok, so what am I aiming for with my health quest? Not an easy question to answer, once upon a time my reply would have been "to be skinny" but no longer!

Firstly, losing some weight will obviously improve my health. I have knee, back and neck problems which are all much improved just by losing a little weight and, given my size, the strain on all my joints and organs in general can't be good. My recent Achile's tendon tear which lead to a DVT and PE meant I faced my mortality for probably the first time in my life. The whole experience has definitely changed me and, at times, it's been a struggle to come to terms with the way I feel. The reactions of those closest to me have been many and varied, some have mystified me, some have upset me, but pretty much all were not what I might have expected! None of this is of importance here really, I'm just trying to illustrate where my current determination to get healthy stems from. ;o) I'm 43, life is rushing past and my recent health problems have made me realise that the old chestnut about life being too short and you never know what's around the next corner is bloody well true! I want to make the most of my life and getting healthier will mean I can enjoy it even more and, hopefully, for a lot longer!!

The second factor for me is clothes! I'm about to sound really vain I suppose but one of the things that bothers me about being this size is the lack of choice in the clothes department. Ok, yes, it has improved alot in recent years, big girls are no longer facing a choice of Evans or bugger all but that said, I can't dress, or shop for clothes, in the way I want to and that really gets me down. I want to express my personality, my passion, my life, through the clothes I wear and I just can't do that at this size.

They really are the main two reasons to get fitter and healthier! I'm not sure if that's good or bad! Perhaps I should just tack on something else......I also peace! ;oD It's the inner beauty queen in me! LOL

Now, down to the nitty gritty.....goals! Eek! I'm very goal challenged at the moment, finding it really difficult to actually make any, but I know I need them, immediate, short term and long term. I'm off to London shortly, just overnight but will give my goals some thought and report back tomorrow evening.

And in explanation of my blog title, the words are from a song, Not Perfect, by the gorgeous, funny and talented Mr Tim Minchin!


  1. I am with you on all your reasons - they are mine too.

    After my heel causing me to feel miserable and unable to exercise for so long (my fault for neglecting it, I know), piling on yet more weight, I felt so horribly ill. And I was killing myself and missing out on all those things I want to do in life.

    I want to run and jump and ski and hike and visit out of reach places. I want to have the energy to stay up late at night, dance til dawn, go on an adventure! Life is short, make the most of it.

    Goals: a list of lots of wonderful things you want to do. Hmmmm, must go make mine...

    Enjoy London!

  2. Oh yes, life most definitely is too short and there are so many wonderful things to pack in! ;oD Let's goooooooooo!
